Mondays | 10:00 am
Led by Anita Wilson. Our nation faces perilous times and our prayer group focuses on taking the axe (word of God) to the root of the darkness that threatens to infiltrate our nation and the church. Join us Monday’s at 10:00am at leader’s home. Contact leader for details.
Contact Leader for Date and Time
Led by Dan Meylan. It is more critical than ever that we need to gather together to pray over, our families, our communities, our church, our state, our nation, and each other. Watchmen is a group of committed believers who gather from 5-7 am every Monday morning to pray, study the Word, seek the Holy Spirit, and support one another. This group is open to anyone (man or woman) who understands the power of prayer and has the courage and conviction to gather at 5 am on Monday. Speaking from experience this group can be transformational for those who attend and stay committed for the long term. Meets in the COTH Prayer Room.